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Aranmula mirrors are handmade metal-alloy mirrors, made in Aranmula, a village in the state of Kerala, India. Unlike the normal ‘silvered’ glass mirrors, being a metal-alloy mirror, it is a front surface reflection mirror, which eliminates secondary reflections and aberrations typical of back surface mirrors.The myth about the origin and secret of its composition makes it a truly fascinating craft. As traditional as the mirror-making technology is, the artisans’ belief that the composition of the metal mirror is divine and some undisclosed metals alloyed with silver, bronze, copper and tin are responsible for the distortion-free images.
     There are 3 types of aranmula kannadi is available 1.Hand mirror 2.Back stand mirror 3.Fixed stand mirror. The size of the mirror is varies from 1 inch to 18 inch

Aranmula Kannadi Features
  •  There is a great difference between ordinary mirror and the metallic mirror. In an ordinary mirror, there is a silver nitrate coating which reflects the light and thus presents the image of the object. There is no silver coating on the metallic mirror. When you touch a piece of paper on the surface of an ordinary mirror, there appears a gap between the object and the image where as in the Aranmula metal mirror there is a point touching of two images and there exists no gap between the images.
  • Aranmula kannadi is famous for its secretive construction method and uniqueness in the make which get Patent protected with a Geographical Indication tag
  • It is the only metal mirror available, Unlike Ordinary Glass mirror , Image from Aranmula Kannadi is reflected from upper surface of reflecting material , where in Glass mirror image reflected from bottom layer where mercury is pasted . So real image is only captured in the Aranmula kannadi.
  • Extra ordinary hand made Aranmula Kannadi , is Famous for bringing prosperity, luck and wealth to home
  • Aranmula kannadi is one among 8 auspicious items included famous astamagalaya set ,which usually used for very auspicious function like marriage.
  • Aranmula Kannadi its make details only known to few people in one family belong to Aranmula and it is kept as a family secret
  • Artisans even today use by traditional low-tech methods and materials a rather sophisticated high-techmetallurgical end product is achieved
  • The price starts from Rs. 2750.
Making of aranmula kannadi video