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History Of Kollur Mookambika Temple, Karnataka

      The history of Kollur Mookambika temple states that there lived a demon named Kaumasura who was unleashing a reign of terror upon all the gods with his special power given by Lord Shiva. When all the gods were trying their best to stay away from his vicinity, Guru Shukracharya brings good news to the gods that this demon would face death by a woman, that is Parvathi Devi. Knowing this Kaumasura undertakes severe penance, Lord Shiva asks this demon to ask for the boon, sensing grave danger if he his offered the boon, this goddess of speech makes this demon dumb.
Hence this Kaumasura came to be known as Mookasura (mooka means to be dumb). Thereafter Devi mobilised all the powers of the gods and then this demon was killed by Kollur Devi Parvathi. She was hence forth called Mookambikai. This place where Devi killed Mookasura is known as Marana Katte.
The Kollur Devi thereafter became the deity of this place offering her blessings to all who sought her. She poses with all her radiance along with the shank and chakra in both her hands sitting in the padmahasana posture. 
Suyambulingam at Mookambika temple
        The Suyambulingam at Sri Mookambika temple is said to have come into existence when Parameshwara drew the chakra with his toe. This chakra is believed to be the Udhbava linga which has drawn its strength due its proximity to all divine beings. It is also very sacred since Kollur Devi is supposed to be merged with this Suyambulinga and that has made her acquire great power.
Here she is said to have formed part of Lingam along with Lakshmi and Saraswathi on one side and Lord Brahma, Vishnu and Parameshwara on the other side. Apart from this there is also an carved image of Shiva said to be injured by during the clash with Arjuna known as Kiratharjuna and this is on the right side of this Suyambulinga.
Adhi Shankaracharya is believed to be instrumental in Devi Mookambika taking this place Kollur as her abode. It is this place near the bank of Souparnika river that Adhi Shankarar stopped to fix the Chakram and on above it placed the Devi and this forms the central idol behind the Linga. This temple has been patronized by many ancient kings who donated many precious jewels to Sri Kollur Devi and they are still adorned by her. Many other hindu kings have also donated to this temple since it was believed to be the state temple in those days.
Sanctum of Kollur Sri Mookambika Temple
       The history of idol installation at Kollur Mookambika temple is nearly 1200 years old. King Halugallu Veera Sangayya is said to have laid the valuable stone to cover the inside premises and this was done by him under the instructions of Rani Chennamaji. The temple comprises of the sanctorum, a hall and the Lakshmi Mantapa at the rear. This Lakshmi Mandapam has four pillars and it is about 135 feet long. These four pillars are adorned with splendidly carved images of Indian deities.
The beautiful sculptures are figurines of various Gods and Goddesses such as Vinayaka or Ganesh, Subrahmanya, Naga, Mahishasura Mardini and the mother goddess or Devi in various forms. The Garbagriha at this Kollur temple is contemporary and artisitic in value. A huge deepasthambam stands tall with its base like a tortoise’s head. This Deepasthambam has 21 beautiful concentric circles which appear very divine and similar to that of Makara jothi when all the lamps are lit and viewed from distance.
The Navrathri festival begins with an invocation to Lord Ganesha who is on this pillar. As we move inside the corridor beyond the Garbhagriha there are four types of idols of Ganapathi. Among them are Dasa bhuja Ganapathi and Balamuri Ganapathi which is beautifully sculpted using white marble.
Then there is an image of a serpent that is worshipped by all Devi’s devotees in order to wade off the evil effects of Sarpodosa and other doshas. And it is believed that when touched while offeringprayers, the devotees are said to be blessed with good fortune.
The outer side of the pradikshana we see the idol of Lord Muruga followed by the idol of Saraswathi, Pranalingeswara, Prartheshwar and Mukya Prana. This Mukya Prana is placed just opposite to Veerabadrasamy shrine to strike a balance for its dangerous appearance. This Veerabadrasamy is said to be the presiding deity here.
Pooja timings and practices at Sri Mookambika temple
       At this temple prayers are offered following two traditions. - one as per the sacrificial ritual and the other as per Vijay Yagna Shastra. The poojas are performed at the temple everyday and it is performed in the morning, afternoon and evening and in the night. Among the many important rituals that are performed and celebrated, Navarathri is considered very important and the other is Brahmotsava and both are celebrated with great pomp and gaiety. This Navarathri is also is known as Sharannavarathri that falls during October month. The Goddess is said to grant boons to many an ardent devotee during these days.
Devi Mookambika’s exquisite jewellery
      Kollur Devi adorns some exquisite ornaments that has been donated to her by her ardent devotees among them are Shri Gundu Rao the ex Chief Minister of Karnataka who has donated to Devi a silver sword. The legendary Rani Chennamma offered precious emerald which is still adorned by her till date. Late M.G. Ramachandran, former Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu also has gifted a golden sword to Sri Mookambika as a token of gratitude and as an ardent devotee. The Vijayanagaram king Krishnadevaraya presented Kollur Devi with a gold mask which is now considered very valuable. Chennamaji of Keladi gifted a gold face for Lingam that is also said to be of great value.
The River Souparnika’s origin
        The source of this river Souparnika is from the Kodachadri hills lying near the temple as a backdrop. The mythology about this temple and river says that a Garuda named Suparna performed penance on this river bank in order to save his mother from the continuous misfortunes and sorrows. Then the Kollur Devi appeared before him to grant her good wishes and at this juncture this garuda requested Devi that this river be named after him hence forth and thus this river came to be known as river Souparnika.
The place where the Suparna garuda sat is popularly known as Garuda caves. This river is joined by two more rivers at the down stream. They are known as Bhrungisha and Pippalada that falls now under the Oluru region. There after it flows west ward to end at the sea near the Maharajaswamy temple.
This river is said to be not only holy but also to contain rich extracts of valuable herbs as it passes through many mountains that has abundant herbs and rare plants.
Festivals In Mookambika Temple - Kollur, Karnataka
Nithyothsavam – Every day ritual
Nithyotsava ritual is performed everyday at Devi Mookambika temple. Janmastami announces the birth of Lord Krishna. From then on till Navrathri every year, various rituals are followed at the ancient Mandapam. Sri Mookambikai is taken on the palanquin around the temple and thereafter ashtavadhana seva is conducted at Saraswathi mandapam that which is located inside the temple.
Varothsavam - Weekly ritual
Every Friday, at around six p.m. between Janmashtami and Navrathri, varothsavam celebrations are held. Before the Pradoshakala pooja the Devi Mookambika’s idol is carried to the olaga mandapam in the north. Here the ashtavadhana seva is offered to the goddess Mookambika.
Pakshotsavam – Fortnightly ritual
This fortnightly ritual involves carrying the deity on all new moon days and full moon days. After the night bali pooja the Devi’s idol is carried to the Saraswathi Mandapam located on the west. This street procession is rigorously followed and there after the idol goes back and the Kashaya Thirtha is given to the devotees.
Varshika Uthsavam – Annual ritual
Every Year in the month of March, the annual ritual is observed at this glorious temple and it is celebrated for ten full days. On the moola nakshatra day the Brahma Rathothsava is undertaken for Kollur Devi.
Kollur Mookambikai temple celebrations
On the first day the flag is hoisted soon after the Punya kala rites.
The second day at about five in the evening the Kollur goddess is taken around the village known as Grama pradhakshina in Kannada. Followed with night bali and after the ashtavadhana seva the procession is taken to the Saraswathi mandapam on the peocock chariot.
The third day program is the taking Devi to the Saraswathi mandapam in the north known as Toppalu Katte, night ritual Dolarohan, then pooja is performed for Mookambika and taken to the west side of the Sarawathi mandapam and ashtavadhana seva is performed.
Fourth day celebrations commences with the Katte pooja held at Sri GopalaKrishna temple. There after the night ritual follows with the Sri Mookambika being taken on the chariot Pushparatham to the Saraswathi mandapam on the west side and the ashtavadhana pooja is performed.
The fifth day ritual, Sri Mookambika is taken on the Rishaba Vahana to the Saraswathi mandapam in the west and Ashtavadhana seva is offered for devotees. In the day the goddess is taken in procession to the Gopalakrishna temple.
On the sixth day the procession to Patelara Katte at Balegadde begins at the day and the night ritual begins with the Kollur Devi being carried on the Gaja vahana to the Saraswathi mandapam in the west.
The seventh day program starts with the taking Kollur Mookambika Devi to the Saraswathi mandapam on the west side after the Pradosha pooja and glorious Rangapooja is performed. The night Bali follows where the Mookambika is taken on the Simma Vahana again to the Saraswathi Mandapam in the west for pooja and Ashtavadhana seva.
On the eight day the Maharathothsavam Odu Bali and the Brahma Ratha Arohanam is performed at 11.30 in the morning. The evening procession starts with the Brahma Ratham taken to the Saraswathi Mandapam at around 5 o clock in the evening in the west side.
Choornothsavam, okuli, Avabhritha Snanam at the Sauparnika are all part of the ninth day celebrations. The roving ceremony known as Theppothsavam and Miruga bette happens at night and then followed by pooja for Kollur Mookambika seated on the horse back and this function starts at around night 8 O clock until the next morning 8 O clock.
The tenth day celebrations start with Poornahuthi conducted at the north eastern side Yagashala and followed by the lowering of the flag known as Dhawaja Avarohana.
Navarathri festival at Kollur Mookambika Temple is considered to be the most auspicious time to offer prayers to goddess Shakthi and its other forms. Millions of pilgrims visit the temple on these nine days. In South India, it is a belief that Vijayadashami is an auspicious day for small children to start their education called Vidya Arambam, hence pilgrims throng the temple from 4 am onwards for aksharabhishekam.

Offerings of Shri Mookambika
      Sri Devi Mookambika is very generous in offering her blessings to all her devotees and she considers them as equal with out any disparity. It is solely said that it is the sincerity of the individual that matters when it comes to getting her support in all their pursuits.
Devi Mookambika as Goddess of Learning
This Goddess of learning and fine arts blesses her devotees with knowledge and wisdom. Confidence, Concentration and accomplishment are the hallmarks of this deity. Every sincere prayer will help the devotees to improve their education and reap good results in the examination.
In order to achieve her blessings Mahatrimadhura is the important offering and it is said by consuming Mahathrimadhura for continuous period of 41 days makes the individual clever in studies. Great concentration in studies can be achieved by undertaking meditation at Sri Devi’s temple. Doing regular Alankara pooja, Payasa Nivedaya, Puspanjali for Sri Mookambika helps to improve their education at all levels.
Goddess of Wealth
Aishwaryam or prosperity and good fortune accompany all who pray to goddess Sri Mookambika with sincere devotion. In order to earn her blessings and to improve the wealth regular Friday poojas like Sarvalankara, Sahasranama kunkuma archana, chandika homam besides maha poojas are recommended in order to get her blessings
Goddess of Health and Well Being
Shakthi Mookambika has excellent cure for all sorts of ailments. Doing regular Nithya nivedaya, Vidhi, Harivana nivedya, Mahathrimadhura, Parivarayuktha panchapooja, Chandika homa and Pushpa rathsova can help to maintain good health. Devotees firmly believe that Kollur Mookambika Devi can cure ailments with her immense power of healing.
Kollur Devi - The Supreme Protector 
Devi Mookambika ensures all round prosperity, health, progeny and protects devotees from all evil. Conducting regular poojas such as Shatha Rudrabhisheka, Chandi homams every day and particularly on Fridays helps to keep away enemies from doing any harm. Apart from the above performing Shaktheya pooja at Kutachadri and Mariamma temple proves very effective for the devotees.
Goddess for business growth
Devi Mookambika helps devotees to nurture their business in a profitable way by doing simple poojas such as Lalki Utsava, Chandika homas, Maha pooja, Nithyanna nivedaya, Sheerabhisheka, Pushpanjali along with regular Friday poojas.

Sri Mookambika – Blesses the childless
Childless couple upon regular prayers to Devi and performing poojas like Maha pooja, Vidhi, Chandika homams and offering Thulabharam helps them to beget children.
Devi blesses for early marriage
It is believed that marriage obstacles are set right by offering Mookambika with sarees, mangalsutra and by performing Chandika homam and thulabharam. Besides offering Thirumadhura, lighting ghee deepam, nanda deepam, sarvalankara pooja and offering payasa nivedaya.
Other obstacles cleared by Devi
Sri Mookambika helps her devotees to clear many obstacles by conducting regular Friday pooja, Chandi homam, Vidhi and Ganapathi homam.
Speciality of Chandika Homa (Chandi Homa)
This Chandika homa is highly beneficial to all devotees and it has to be performed usually from 9 A.M. to 12 noon. One has to wait for their turn to come for nearly two years to perform this homa at Sri Devi’s temple. Advance booking has to be made by the devotees. This homa is very important to invoke Kollur Mookambika devi’s blessings and to fulfill all their wishes.
The importance of Pushpa Rathotsavam
This type of offering can be done for Sri Mookambika for general wellbeing and it is highly beneficial for the whole family. Offering ghee deepam, sarees and gold mangalsutra is said to bring the desired effect.

How to reach Mookambika Temple - Kollur
  • Mangalore city is only 50 km away from Udupi. Express buses ply between Mangalore to Udupi at regular intervals.From udupi we can reach Mookambika Temple - Kollur by bus from Udupi.
  • The railway station at Udupi falls on the Konkan Railway network and there are trains to most major cities of the state.From Udupi we can reach mookambika temple by bus or by taxi easily.
  • The nearest airport is the Mangalore airport located at Bajpe, 60 km away from Udupi. There are 2 flights daily from Mumbai,Bangalore and from other parts of India.From their we can reach KollurMookambika Temple by car.